Jobs near Ismailia
SOC Lead
CyShield is Hirig a SOC Lead that will be joiig the cyber security operatios team. I this role you will be leadig security operatios moitorig...
2nd Level Operations Vas Engineer
As the tech firm that created the mobile world, ad with more tha 54,000 patets to our ame, we’ve made it our busiess to make a mark. Whe joiig...
Content Creator
**Title: Cotet Creator**
**Idustry: IT Software**
**Reportig Lie: CEO**
**Positio Type: Full Time**
**Level: Seior**
**Locatio: Cairo Office, New...
Music Partnership Manager - Egypt and North Africa
TikTok is the leadig destiatio for short-form mobile video. Our missio is to ispire creativity ad brig joy. TikTok has global offices icludig...
Travel Agent
Are you lookig for a place where you ca make a HUGE amout of moey withi a short period of time? **Our basic salary is 6000 + 3000 EGP Quarter bous.**
Manufacturing IT Operations Specialist
Job Descriptio**:
You will be relied upo for your experiece ad discermet to pla ad accomplish goals. You may lead ad direct the work of others....
Telco Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack
Telco Seior Software Egieer - Full Stack
Joi us as a Seior Software Egieer o our Telco team i Cairo to do the best work of your career ad make...
Technical Support Engineer 1
Techical Support Egieer 1 (Networker Team)
Joi us as a Techical Support Egieer o our Product Services team i Cairo to do the best work of your...
Engineering Manager - Software Operator Tech
This is a excitig opportuity for a techical leader passioate about ope source software, Liux, ad cloud-ative computig. Come ad build a rewardig,...
Colleagues Dining Room Attendant
**Colleagues Diig Room Attedat**
You are a ambassador for the exceptioal service ad cuisie that are hallmarks of our food & beverage experiece....