Jobs in Egypt
Senior Project Scheduler
**Become part of the #GENERATIONTK**:
thyssekrupp is a iteratioal group of compaies comprisig largely idepedet idustrial ad techology busiesses...
A leadig brad specialized i agriculture, dairy & Juice products is lookig for **A Pre-Seller **with the followig details:
**locatio**:Saudi Arabia
Analysis and Design Engineer Payroll -hm08
Ability to aalyze the feasibility of customer requiremets from multiple projects
Ability to breakdow requiremets ad trasfer...
Senior Quality Assurance Software Development
QA(Quality Assurace)
Ability to carry out quality work for key projects, carry out trustworthiess quality plaig i projects,...
Software Team Manager (Multinational) Hm05
Software team Maager (Multiatioal) HM05 (Local Maager)
Ability to maage basic affairs of the local team, such as work attedace
Software Development Engineer - (Multinational)
Iter ad Fresher Software Developmet Egieer
Ability to uderstad ad complete requiremets allocated by software requiremet...
Test Engineer Multinational -hm09
Test Egieer
Ability to test customizatio App fuctios
Ability to desig ad execute test cases
Ability to record, aalyze,...
Cmo(Configuration Management Operator)
Ability to maage customizatio requiremets ad cotrol data quality to improve software developmet efficiecy ad iformatio...
Social Media Manager
About Us:
At StorexWeb, we are always lookig to stregthe our orgaizatio by addig the best available talet to our staff. We’re seekig a **Social...
Cloud Value Rep
Cloud Value Rep-2200073L
**Applicats are required to read, write, ad speak the followig laguages**: Eglish
**Detailed Descriptio ad Job Requiremets**