Jobs near Alexandria
Real Estate Acquisition Manager
Dial Experts Solutios is seekig a highly motivated ad experieced Real Estate Acquisitio Maager to joi our growig team. As a Acquisitio Maager,...
Senior Systems Engineer
Alexadria- Automotive- FULL TIMEJob descriptio
- Desig ad itegrate SIMULINK models. - Cofigure code geerator of C code from SIMULINK module. - Automatio...
Electrical Engineer
Alexadria- Automotive- FULL TIMEJob descriptio
- Developmet ad aalyses of HV system power electroics requiremets ad validatio...
Call Center Manager
**Compay ame**
USA Vapig
**Compay descriptio**
We are a compay dedicated to marketig ad positioig of differet brads.
**Compay Idustry**
Product Manager
Maagig the etire product lie life cycle from strategic plaig to tactical activities. -Determies customers' eeds ad desires by specifyig the...
Warehouse Manager
We are lookig for a effective Warehouse Maager to direct receivig, warehousig ad distributio operatios. You will oversee the efficiet receipt,...
Usher Coordinator / HR
Will be fully resposible for the recruitmet ad selectio of eeded ushers for ogoig i store promotios ad/or activatio' s.
- Requisites - From...
Translators Are Needed in Alexandria [fresh
Traslatio From Eglish to Arabic
WHO WE ARE Established i 2010, Arabic Localizer sought out to differetiate itself from the competitio i the localizatio...
Storekeeper - Alexandria
Overall Purpose: - Resposible for esurig the efficiet ad effective operatioal performace of the store i order to esure soud implemetatio of...
مطلوب في شركه رائد في مجال المبيدات والمخصبات
للعمل بشركة رائد في مجال المبيدات والمخصبات الزراعيه في سموحه – الاسكندريه مطلوب مهندس odoo مؤهل عالي مناسب خبره من 3 الي 5 اعوام من يتوافر به الشروط...