Jobs near Nagpur
Java Developer
Job Title : Java Developer
Locatio : Hybrid
Iterview : Virtual
kidly share is the cadidates with below ask ad strog i codig ad target the quick...
Genome Analyst
Fid your ext role with MedGeome Labs Ltd. We are the market leader i cliical geomic space i Idia ad offers a comprehesive rage of diagostic...
Assistant Director
Positio: Assistat Director (AD) Project: Historical Movie Locatio: Jammu ad Kashmir Duratio: 03 Moths Reportig to: Director ad Associate Director...
Pharmacovigilance Technical Role
Compay Descriptio
Novaspire Bioscieces Private Limited is a healthcare compay specializig i Pharmacovigilace, Cliical Research, ad Bioavailability/Bioequivalece...
ServiceNow Developer
Dear Cadidate, Greetigs from TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LIMITED!!! Thak you for explorig career opportuities with Asia's largest IT compay Excitig...
Social Media Specialist
Compay Overview: Team Oe Biotech is a leadig bioremediatio firm dedicated to providig iovative solutios for evirometal challeges. With a...
Greetigs from TCS! Walki Details: Job Title: Service Desk Iterview Locatio: TATA Cosultacy Services Ltd. Global Axis, Gopala Eterprises Pvt Ltd...
Senior Software Engineer (Backend)
About CodeAt A I We’re a Y Combiator startup trasformig code quality ad security idustry. With AI-drive ad determiistic fixes, we’re makig code...
Full-Stack Developer
Job Type:
• Full-Time
Job Summary:
We are seekig a highly skilled Full-Stack Developer with expertise i data
egieerig to develop a comprehesive...
Senior UX/UI Engineer
“Me wated for hazardous jourey. Low wages, bitter cold, log moths of complete darkess, costat dager. Safe retur doubtful. Hoour ad recogitio...